Mock magazine design

For this project, we were tasked with creating a mock magazine cover, table of contents, and a spread. We were responsible for coming up with a concept and magazine title. I chose to create a travel/nature magazine. All of the images are stock photos.


I based my research around nature and travel magazines. I paid close attention to the typefaces as well as layout ideas. Next, I searched for images and articles related to nature to represent the sections, cover, and spread. I created a simple type logo and named it Travelist. Originally, the name was Naturalist but it was already a magazine issue. I chose an all caps typeface for my headline and subheads. 


Each part of this project was adjusted. For the cover, the image was brought up to create a bottom space for the headline as well as the subheads. Travelist is centered to create a cleaner look for the cover. For the table of contents, a dark mountain background was chosen to contribute to the cool tone of the magazine. The section numbers as well as the section titles were placed into the images. The images were also increased. This allows the page to use the custom frames and adds visual interest. For the spread, the body text is justified to get rid of ripples in the text and to create a cleaner look.

Copyright © Naseem Walter Design 2023

Made with ❤ by Naseem Walter Design